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Posted by on Sep 11, 2015 in Advice |

The Dos and Don’ts of Facebook for Professionals in the Real Estate Industry

The Dos and Don’ts of Facebook for Professionals in the Real Estate Industry

Many realtors have not tapped into the biggest marketing opportunity online — Facebook. This is a shame because the social network is the best place for marketing real estate listings.

Why Facebook Is Perfect for Real Estate Marketing

Imagine your prospective clients looking through their feed. All of a sudden, they see a beautiful home that catches their eyes. They quickly read that it has four bedrooms and three baths, which is perfect for their growing family. They tap on the photos, and they are instantly in love.

You receive a message on Facebook about the listing. Luckily, you’re available that day and offer to show it to that person. By the evening, you have an offer, and you’re on your way to selling it.

Does that sound too good to be true? Don’t worry; it’s not. Facebook is a goldmine for finding clients, whether that is to sell or buy — as long as you do it right.

The Dos

It can be a bit overwhelming when you first start using Facebook to promote your real estate listings, so just take each one of these tips and work on it as you figure out the best way to promote yourself.

Start a Facebook Page

You need a business portion of your Facebook account, which is done by creating a page. Be sure to use your name and your realty’s name. Complete all parts of the profile so people will be able to easily learn about you and contact you.

Share the Facebook Page with Friends

Real estate is all about who you know and the connections you make through other people. Once you’ve set up your Facebook page invite your Facebook friends to like it. You may want to encourage some of them to share it on their feed as well, so their friends can also like your page.

Publish Engaging Posts

People want information and entertainment on Facebook. Post photos of your listings with descriptions whenever you have new ones or open houses. You should also post other information, so you don’t appear as though you’re just advertising yourself all of the time.

You should be a resource to people. This means posting links to information about local events, restaurants, and attractions is a good idea. School information for the area you work in will help those potential clients. Think about what your target audience would like to know about the areas you serve in terms of moving or buying a home there and you’ll start to see how much they appreciate you by the number of likes, comments, shares, and more.

Share Achievements

If you sell a home, tell your followers about it. People want to see your results because that’s what matters most.

If you ever have an article published about you, positive reviews or any changes are made to your profile on your realty’s website, make sure to post about it. This will show your followers that others are happy with your work.

The Don’ts

Now that you know what you should do on Facebook to promote your listings, you need to know what not to do. Your reputation online and offline depends on what people think of you, so keep that in mind as you post on your page.

Never Upload Low Quality Photos

Uploading low-quality photos may show that you don’t have the time or care about taking high-quality ones. People thinking of selling their home want to be impressed with what you do online to market homes. They will not be impressed if you have subpar photos of homes.

Stay Professional at All Times

On your personal Facebook page, it’s okay to post about the highs and lows about your work and life. On your business page, keep it professional and positive. People want to know about your achievements in helping people sell and buy a home, so let them know about it.

Don’t Post Too Much

When you post several posts a day, people will get annoyed seeing you on their feed all of the time. They will eventually unfollow you because of it. You don’t want that because that means fewer people will be seeing your posts. Keep posts to one or two (at the most) a day.

Don’t Disappear

It’s all about consistency when it comes to promoting your business online. You want to show people you are available and ready whenever they need you. This means you should publish posts consistently and respond to any messages you receive.

Your success as a realtor depends on how much you market yourself. Don’t sit back and let other realtors take the clients you could have because they worked Facebook the way you should be right now. Start the business page now and start working on gathering followers. Before you know it, you’ll see the results it can have on your business.

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Real Prospector
The Dos and Don’ts of Facebook for Professionals in the Real Estate Industry
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