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Posted by on Sep 2, 2015 in Advice |

Moving Tips for Homeowners with Pets

Moving Tips for Homeowners with Pets

Pets can go through a lot of stress when moving. While you may know what is happening, they have no idea. All they know is that you are emptying their home. How traumatic to have your familiar place boxed up and moved out without any reason as to why it’s happening! To help your pets through the moving process, consider these tips.

Arrange for Your Pets to Stay Somewhere Familiar During the Move

If you have a kennel you often use when you go on vacation or if you usually take your pets over to someone’s house, see if you can do that during the move. Your pets will feel more comfortable in either place because they are used to them and nothing much has changed in those places.

You will also be able to focus entirely on the move rather than giving your pets the comfort they need during this stressful time. This will reduce the time it takes for you to move so you can start to get your pets acclimated to their new home.

Pack a Travel Bag

If you are moving faraway, don’t forget a travel bag. You should pack food, water, bowls, favorite toys and treats. If you don’t already have a travel carrier, be sure to choose one that will be large enough for your pet. Ease them into using the pet carrier up until the move date so they’re used to it.

It’s a good idea to bring along Imodium. You can give dogs Imodium when they have diarrhea, which is common when their environment changes. Give them a dose as soon as you see diarrhea occur and continue to give it to them until there is no sign of it. Be sure to provide sufficient drinking water since diarrhea dehydrates them as much as it does for humans.

Introduce the New Home Calmly

Choose a time when the new home is quiet. If the house is loud and has a lot things going on, your pets will be even more anxious. This gives them a bad first impression of their new place. You don’t want that to happen, so wait until things have calmed down before making the introduction.

Allow Your Pets to Explore

When you bring them into your new home, allow them to just roam. They will slowly check things out and even jump a few times at unfamiliar objects. This is perfectly normal. Try not to make any sudden movements as your pets gets used to all of the new spaces and smells.

Speak to Your Pets in a Calm, Loving Voice

Your pets pay attention to your tone of voice when you speak to them. If you’re angry, they know it. If you’re anxious, they know that too. Try to speak to them with a calm, pleasant voice because they will feel much more at ease when you do.

Don’t forget the power of touch. As you are speaking to them, stroke their fur and pat them. This will reassure them that everything is okay.

Give them a Blanket

Before leaving your old home, sleep with a blanket or place it in a location where it will pick up the scent of it. Bring this blanket with you to the new home. You may want to put it in your pets’ beds, so they will smell it. Smelling the old home can be a great sense of comfort for your pets and help them cope with the transition.

Give It Time

Just like it is for some people, getting used to a new place can take time. Give your pets the time they need without becoming frustrated when they seem to be taking longer than you anticipated. Know that sometimes stress can be exhibited by behavior that you’re not used to seeing such as potty accidents in the home or being aggressive. Speak in a firm voice when these mistakes happen, so your pets don’t believe it’s OK for this type of behavior in the new home. Once your pets know they have made a mistake, go right back to giving them the comfort they need.

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Moving Tips for Homeowners with Pets
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