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Posted by on Apr 22, 2015 in Advice |

6 Big Mistakes Sellers Make

6 Big Mistakes Sellers Make

When selling your home, there are a lot of variables involved. You’re responsible for making a lot of considerations that will ultimately determine how quickly your home sells. As a seller, you want to remove as many road blocks to selling your home as possible. Avoiding the following mistakes will get you on your way to closing in no time!

Won’t Make Repairs 

Making your home as appealing to buyers as possible should be top priority. Very few buyers want to move into a house that needs multiple repairs that could potentially cost them thousands of dollars to complete. Its important that the appeal you create extends to a broad category of buyers. By refusing to do needed repairs, you narrow the scope of prospective buyers.

One of the biggest mistakes they make when it comes to the visual aspect of their home according to the team of Toss Bryan Lawnmowers is the lack of upkeep with the landscape. “It’s just human nature to judge a book by its cover.” They go on to say, “You never know how many potential buyers see the outside of the home and make a judgement call right then, even if it’s the wrong one.”

Refusing to Negotiate

A good agent will give you a range of prices you can expect your home to sell for given the current market. However, the home price isn’t the only leverage you have for negotiation. Certain items such as fixtures and appliances can be used to negotiate the terms of an offer. Being open to receptive to these negotiations is crucial to the selling process. You can turn away even the most interested of buyers if you are unwilling to consider their terms.

Unpleasant Odors

One of the biggest factors that will stop a buyer in their tracks is a bad smell permeating throughout your home. Whether the smell is due to last nights cooked dinner or cigarette smoke, the questions buyers will have in mind is, “Will it still smell like this after we move in?”. Your agent should be tactful in his or her approach of the subject, nonetheless they should tell you if it would be beneficial for you to smoke outside until the home sells.

Cluttered Space

For some sellers changing the way they live during the selling process is something they will not compromise on. This includes removing clutter and even cleaning. What you, as the seller, must take into consideration, is the visual impact that the state of your home has on potential buyers. Many people are visual thinkers. This means that the more you take care to rid your home of distractions, the better they, the buyers, can visualize how it would look if they were to live there.

Showing Availability

The more buyers that have access to your property, the better chance you have of selling. However, if your only availability to show your home is on Sunday from 7:00 am to 10:00 am, you are severely limiting yourself to the traffic of ready able and willing buyers. While the selling process can be a bit inconvenient to your routine, you must realize that a buyer is seeing anywhere from 5,10 even 20 homes while on tour with their agent. If yours isn’t on the list, you’re missing out on a potential sale. Motivated sellers must have a certain level of flexibility in their schedules and should try to accommodate inconvenience when necessary.

Overpriced Home

This was the biggest and most common mistake sellers made when listing their home. One thing that sellers must understand is that real estate agents don’t set the real estate market. They will certainly give you advice on what price to list your home at based on several determining factors, however, they will not suggest overpricing the home to ‘see if it will get any bites’. In the first week that a home is listed, it is exposed to the highest number of potential buyers. This means that the price of the home should reflect the current market or potential buyers will ignore it. Overpricing your home could be the most costly mistake you can make when you decide to sell.

Effectively overcoming these hurdles, trusting your real estate agent and being open to compromise will open the door for potential buyers to see your home as something of real value that they want to invest in. Ultimately, eliminating these common seller mistakes will bring you that much closer to selling your home.

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